Independence of Albania

98 Articles

106 years since the death of Ismail Qemali

106 years since the death of Ismail Qemali

Albania in November 1912

Albania in November 1912

112 years of Albanian diplomacy, Hasani: We strengthen Albania's position in the international arena

112 years of Albanian diplomacy, Hasani: We strengthen Albania's position in the international arena

Edi Rama congratulates Independence Day with Ramรซ Lahaj's song "Pรซr ty atdhe"

Edi Rama congratulates Independence Day with Ramรซ Lahaj's song "Pรซr ty atdhe"

November 28, Albania celebrates today the 112th anniversary of the declaration of independence

November 28, Albania celebrates today the 112th anniversary of the declaration of independence

In New York, the 112th anniversary of the Independence of Albania is celebrated, the mayor appreciates the contribution of the Albanian community

In New York, the 112th anniversary of the Independence of Albania is celebrated, the mayor appreciates the contribution of the Albanian community

The 112th anniversary of Independence, the Albanian flag is raised in New York

The 112th anniversary of Independence, the Albanian flag is raised in New York

The role of Ismail Qemali in the independence of Albania

The role of Ismail Qemali in the independence of Albania

The 105th anniversary of the death of Ismail Qemali is commemorated today

The 105th anniversary of the death of Ismail Qemali is commemorated today

The conversation of the French journalist with Ismail Qemali, a few weeks before the declaration of independence of Albania

The conversation of the French journalist with Ismail Qemali, a few weeks before the declaration of independence of Albania

111 years since the formation of the Armed Forces of Albania

111 years since the formation of the Armed Forces of Albania

The "forgotten" patriot of independent Albania

The "forgotten" patriot of independent Albania

Begaj: We are lucky to have two Albanian states in the region

Begaj: We are lucky to have two Albanian states in the region

For the first time, the Municipality of Zveรงan organized for November 28

For the first time, the Municipality of Zveรงan organized for November 28

NATO congratulates Albania on the 111th anniversary of Independence: We celebrate with our ally

NATO congratulates Albania on the 111th anniversary of Independence: We celebrate with our ally

Al Trade Center wishes for the Independence of Albania: November 28 finds us more united than ever

Al Trade Center wishes for the Independence of Albania: November 28 finds us more united than ever

Al Trade Center
Kurti congratulates Albanians on November 28: Independence came after a long war

Kurti congratulates Albanians on November 28: Independence came after a long war

Blinken congratulates Albania on its Independence Day: Proud of allies like you

Blinken congratulates Albania on its Independence Day: Proud of allies like you

The foundation stone is laid, Gjakova will be built with the statue of Gjergj Kastriot

The foundation stone is laid, Gjakova will be built with the statue of Gjergj Kastriot

"God willing that Albania and Kosovo unite", the citizens in the house where the flag was raised

"God willing that Albania and Kosovo unite", the citizens in the house where the flag was raised

Paratroopers and horsemen in national dress celebrate in Prekaz

Paratroopers and horsemen in national dress celebrate in Prekaz

With the photograph of Adem Jashari in Tirana, Rama: 68 years ago he came to this world, on the day of the national flag

With the photograph of Adem Jashari in Tirana, Rama: 68 years ago he came to this world, on the day of the national flag

From Vlora, Begaj congratulates the Albanians: Today we are an independent state thanks to the wisdom and courage of the patriots

From Vlora, Begaj congratulates the Albanians: Today we are an independent state thanks to the wisdom and courage of the patriots

From Boletini to Prekaz, Haradinaj with tributes in honor of the 111th anniversary of Albania's Independence

From Boletini to Prekaz, Haradinaj with tributes in honor of the 111th anniversary of Albania's Independence

