
13 Articles

This truck broke the world record after traveling about 2900 kilometers "on a single filling"

This truck broke the world record after traveling about 2900 kilometers "on a single filling"

Auto News
Getting closer to (cheaper) hydrogen as a fuel: A more rational production method has been discovered!

Getting closer to (cheaper) hydrogen as a fuel: A more rational production method has been discovered!

Auto News
Hydrogen is discovered in Bulqiza, the experts: It is an alternative source of energy

Hydrogen is discovered in Bulqiza, the experts: It is an alternative source of energy

Hydrogen reserve found in Bulqiza, the researcher: The first time in the world that such a large resource is discovered

Hydrogen reserve found in Bulqiza, the researcher: The first time in the world that such a large resource is discovered

"Small quantity" production of the BMW iX5 Hydrogen begins

"Small quantity" production of the BMW iX5 Hydrogen begins

New Models
HVS presents the hydrogen truck which has a driving range of up to 500 km

HVS presents the hydrogen truck which has a driving range of up to 500 km

Auto News
Alpine Alpenglow โ€“ hydrogen racing car, also designed for normal roads

Alpine Alpenglow โ€“ hydrogen racing car, also designed for normal roads

The world's largest zero-emission vehicle has been unveiled at a mine in Africa

The world's largest zero-emission vehicle has been unveiled at a mine in Africa

Auto News
Airbus develops the infrastructure for hydrogen planes

Airbus develops the infrastructure for hydrogen planes

Technology News
Hyundai broke the record by covering about 890 kilometers on a single tank

Hyundai broke the record by covering about 890 kilometers on a single tank

Auto News
German researchers develop a "hydrogen paste" that can be used as fuel for vehicles

German researchers develop a "hydrogen paste" that can be used as fuel for vehicles

Goodbye diesel, the first hydrogen trucks from Hyundai arrive in Switzerland

Goodbye diesel, the first hydrogen trucks from Hyundai arrive in Switzerland

Auto News
14 ways to use hydrogen: Whitens teeth, cleans ears, eliminates unpleasant odors from the house, removes pesticides...

14 ways to use hydrogen: Whitens teeth, cleans ears, eliminates unpleasant odors from the house, removes pesticides...

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