Volunnet Krasniqi

83 Articles

Will with big words for Gjesti: He's playing phenomenally there

Will with big words for Gjesti: He's playing phenomenally there

Vullnet Krasniqi speaks for the first time after leaving Big Brother: They were afraid of me and kept me away

Vullnet Krasniqi speaks for the first time after leaving Big Brother: They were afraid of me and kept me away

The moment when Vullneti surprises his family and wishes his father a happy birthday in Negroc

The moment when Vullneti surprises his family and wishes his father a happy birthday in Negroc

Very special surprise for Vullnet: He leaves for Negroc to meet his family

Very special surprise for Vullnet: He leaves for Negroc to meet his family

Vullnet Krasniqi: I don't think I lost votes and fans after coming out about my sexual orientation

Vullnet Krasniqi: I don't think I lost votes and fans after coming out about my sexual orientation

Vullneti speaks with full conviction: I am happy that this year the big prize goes to Drenica

Vullneti speaks with full conviction: I am happy that this year the big prize goes to Drenica

Stress for the LGBT community: The evil of the Balkans, anti-Albanian values

Stress for the LGBT community: The evil of the Balkans, anti-Albanian values

Face to face confrontation, Stress โ€“ Vullnet: It's good that we met on Big Brother, if I had seen you outside I would have beaten you

Face to face confrontation, Stress โ€“ Vullnet: It's good that we met on Big Brother, if I had seen you outside I would have beaten you

Stress didn't reach his hand, Vullnet's Instagram reacts: Include Gold AG with the fans, he can handle everyone

Stress didn't reach his hand, Vullnet's Instagram reacts: Include Gold AG with the fans, he can handle everyone

Stress returns to Big Brother VIP Kosovo, refuses to shake hands with Vullnet

Stress returns to Big Brother VIP Kosovo, refuses to shake hands with Vullnet

Disappointed Will: I wanted a guy for a relationship at BBVK, but unfortunately everyone was obsessed with themselves

Disappointed Will: I wanted a guy for a relationship at BBVK, but unfortunately everyone was obsessed with themselves

Drenusha and Gresa out of the final, Xhuli reacts: I don't know if I dare say it, but in BBVK not everything goes according to the public's votes

Drenusha and Gresa out of the final, Xhuli reacts: I don't know if I dare say it, but in BBVK not everything goes according to the public's votes

Xheneta, Sara, Vullneti, Xuxi and Driloni are the finalists of Big Brother VIP Kosova

Xheneta, Sara, Vullneti, Xuxi and Driloni are the finalists of Big Brother VIP Kosova

BBVK's Will: Being gay does not make you less of a man

BBVK's Will: Being gay does not make you less of a man

The will speaks to the 'baby': The world has a lot of bad people, you don't have to be like that

The will speaks to the 'baby': The world has a lot of bad people, you don't have to be like that

Derenusha surprises: Drilon would not be remembered if Atilla stayed

Derenusha surprises: Drilon would not be remembered if Atilla stayed

The call of Volunt that stirred the house: The money should stay in Kosovo

The call of Volunt that stirred the house: The money should stay in Kosovo

Volunneti: If I liked someone here, if Kosovo were to go against him, I would have captured him

Volunneti: If I liked someone here, if Kosovo were to go against him, I would have captured him

"BBVK's money should stay in Kosovo" - a fierce clash between Drilon and Vullneti that turned into serious insults

"BBVK's money should stay in Kosovo" - a fierce clash between Drilon and Vullneti that turned into serious insults

Will - Rowena: Before Janet and Leo, I would like you to stay

Will - Rowena: Before Janet and Leo, I would like you to stay

Sara Kolami reacts worried: It's not going well, this thing with Fitim went too far

Sara Kolami reacts worried: It's not going well, this thing with Fitim went too far

Vullnet Krasniqi after the statement: I believe it is being commented on a lot, but I am relieved

Vullnet Krasniqi after the statement: I believe it is being commented on a lot, but I am relieved

Stress reacts after Janet asked to see his statements - the big price also drops

Stress reacts after Janet asked to see his statements - the big price also drops

The big price falls โ€“ Janet chooses to see the images, the statements against the Will

The big price falls โ€“ Janet chooses to see the images, the statements against the Will

