Symbyllur smashed 69 coconuts around a man's body with a giant hammer, enters the Guinness Book of Records

Symbyllur smashed 69 coconuts around a man's body with a giant hammer, enters the Guinness Book of Records

A team of martial arts experts based in India captured a dangerous Guinness World Records title when one member covered his eyes with a cloth and used giant hammers to hit coconuts placed around another member's body.

The Bir Khalsa martial arts group took the title for the largest number of coconuts thrown around one person, covering their eyes, and it was all broadcast on the Italian TV show Lo Shoë Dei Record in Milan.

The blindfolded man managed to break 69 coconuts in one minute, without injuring his teammate, Telegraph reports.

They beat the previous record by Rakesh B and Prabhakar Reddy P, who completed their attempt with 50 broken coconuts in 2020.

Bir Khalsa holds numerous world records, including the recently announced title for the most slices of a cucumber cut with a chainsaw while the man holding the saw was blindfolded. /Telegraph/