Pastries filled with ground meat

Pastries filled with ground meat

We bring you a recipe from the kitchens of our grandmothers that is simple and after which you will not ask for better


• 300 g of ground meat
• 1 head of onion
• 200 g of mushrooms
• ½ fresh red pepper
• 2 spoons of chopped parsley
• 1 spoon of oregano
• 1 spoon of red pepper, powder
• boil
• pepper
• 2 spoons of oil.

Preparation of the sauce for the dumplings:

• 300 ml of cooking cream
• 200 ml of yogurt
• 100 ml of milk
• 3 eggs


In a little oil, add the finely chopped onion and when it releases its aroma, add the finely chopped pepper. When the pepper softens, add the meat and cook over low heat, stirring.

After 5 minutes, add the chopped mushrooms. Add spices and cook over low heat until excess liquid evaporates.

The minced meat should be cooled and then the dumplings should be filled.

Place the patties in a fire-resistant container and pour the prepared sauce in which you previously mixed them together with the scrambled eggs, hops for cooking, yogurt and milk.

Place in the oven preheated to 200 degrees Celsius for about 30-40 minutes.

Served with seasonal salad.

May you be well, - broadcasts Telegraph.