Sterility is also treated at the table

Sterility is also treated at the table

Can't get pregnant? Try to control your food. Because there is a close connection between food and hormones.

"Man is what he eats", it was once said in ancient times. It speaks of a great care, which applies more to women, if it is considered that the nutritional bases located in the female organism synthesize the hormones necessary for a complete health.

Any kind of wrong diet, which you may have been following for a long time, conditions the necessary nutritional bases which then negatively affect the health and effectiveness of the reproductive apparatus.

At risk is above all the percentage of fertility that I can achieve and sterility, without being conscious, or before anorexia (a disease that affects an increasing number of women between the ages of 15-35.

Cycle disorder

A woman's fertility is a gift that must be carefully preserved thanks to the nutritional base that consists of a balanced ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. But unfortunately many girls pursue the goal of losing weight by eliminating many foods necessary for hormonal regularity.

A side problem? Not exactly. Recent research confirms that 30% of women in general who follow their own processed diets really have health problems, then a good part suffer from bulimia, and another part from anorexia.

The body immediately senses the disorder and starts giving signals. Thus, for example, the cycle is disturbed, the quality and duration of the flow is also reduced. This means that the organism enters reserves by activating protective mechanisms such as reducing menstrual blood loss.

In a second time, the cycle is increased, that is, it is frequent. This is the signal that ovulation has also disappeared, and with this the possibility of an egg being fertilized by a spermatozoon has also disappeared.

Basic foods for good fertility

Fortunately, ovulation problems caused by eating disorders are correctable. It is enough to re-introduce the foods that favor the health of the reproductive system into the diet.

A mistake made by many women who follow diets designed by themselves is, for example, avoiding vegetable fats such as olive oil. This provokes disorders in the cycle as well as the possibility of getting pregnant.

In addition to olive oil, which is necessary for female sex hormones, there is also iron (about 18 mg per day), which we find in fish, meat, and greens. If a woman is bored and has no desire for a sexual relationship, she is not in the ideal psychophysical state to "give birth" to a child.

You should definitely eat food products that contain zinc (7 milligrams per day), a factor that favors the ovulation process. You should eat meat, fish or seafood, eggs, dried fruits. /Telegraph/

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