Scientists claim they 'now have an explanation for Jesus' fishing miracle'

Scientists claim they 'now have an explanation for Jesus' fishing miracle'

Scientists claim to have discovered a possible explanation behind how Jesus performed one of his most famous miracles.

According to foreign media, the Telegraph reports, the Bible speaks of two cases when Jesus turned the unsuccessful fishing efforts of fishermen into massive amounts that fed their communities for weeks.

Yes, according to them, the case known as the 'miraculous catch of fish' took place in Lake Kinneret in Israel, where Jesus preached.

And as the researchers claim, a new study has found that a natural phenomenon that occurs at certain times of the year may have played a role in this.

Scientists at the Kinneret Limnological Laboratory in Israel found that there are much lower oxygen levels deep in the lake's watershed due to an increase in "phytoplankton" blooms that trap oxygen and cause fish to suffocate.

They identified two events in 2012 where thousands of dead fish had floated to the surface along 2.4 miles of the lake's shoreline.

The researchers said: "[Our study] may explain the appearance of large numbers of easy-to-gather fish near the shore described in biblical accounts."

They say the theory supports the idea that Jesus and his miracles of "pulling" many fish out of the sea were real.

However, she casts doubt on whether the incidents were miracles or coincided with the natural elements of the lake.

As noted further, the researchers placed sensors in the lake to track temperatures in the water column and wind direction and speed, and the data suggested that the water's low oxygen levels were driven by strong westerly winds.

The team suggests that strong winds blew up lower water levels, leading to an anoxic – or oxygen-deprived – condition that eventually suffocated the fish, making them rise to the surface, extremely easy "to caught with a net".

"The Sea of ​​Galilee is a layered lake. The upper layer is warm and rich in oxygen, while the lower layer is cold and lacks oxygen," researcher Yael Amitai told The Times of Israel, about which he also wrote New York Post and other world media.

And according to them, the natural but still rare phenomenon "could explain the appearance of large numbers of easy-to-gather fish near the shore described in biblical stories," the report added.

According to researchers, it also occurs in Lake Erie and the Neuse River estuary in North Carolina. /Telegraph/