Saying of Al-Farabi: The state founded with love, continues with justice

Saying of Al-Farabi: The state founded with love, continues with justice

Abū Nar MuAmmad ibn Muammad al Fārābī (known in the West as Alpharabius, i.e. Al-Farabi) was one of the early Islamic intellectuals, whose value is enhanced by the fact that he translated and spread the doctrines of Plato and Aristotle. He contributed to science, philosophy, logic, sociology, medicine, mathematics, cosmology and music, and exerted great influence on later Islamic and Christian philosophers. As a philosopher he was the first to separate philosophy from theology, while believing in a supreme being who had created the world through the exercise of balanced intelligence. Below are some of his sayings:

  • If the boy does not fall in love, the girl is not worthy of love.
  • A person becomes a person thanks to the intellect.
  • An art that aims to achieve beauty is called philosophy or, in the absolute sense, it is called wisdom.
  • Philosophy precedes religion in time.
  • A definition of philosophy and its meaning consists in its determination that it is a science of being as being.
  • We can achieve happiness only when we have a beauty; and we have a beauty thanks to philosophy. The truth is that only because of philosophy can we achieve happiness.
  • A proper city should favor justice and the just, hate tyranny and injustice, and give both their due.
  • Simply accepting something on an assumption and also not investigating it can confuse, blind and lead you down the wrong path.
  • The state founded with love, continues with justice.
  • Don't cry when a good man dies. Mourn the company you lost.
  • He who speaks well does not hear bad words from anyone.
  • Society stands together with love, lives with justice and survives with honest work.
  • People who talk a lot need to be listened to a little.
  • You forgot me, so I have to forget you. /EO/

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