Report from the region of Vlora

Report from the region of Vlora

Radhima is a village in Orikum Municipality of Vlora District in Albania. It is a country that has the sea and the sun, the mountain next to the sea, valleys and rivers, hills and plains, livestock and agriculture...

The village is located on the western slope of the Lungara mountain. It is evidenced as an ancient settlement of the III-II century BC. It is mentioned for the production of wine and shajak. Its main direction is the production of citrus fruits, olives, viticulture and tourism. The area that includes the traditional boundaries of the village is approximately 2000 hectares.

But why should we go and what should we understand in Radhima?

For more, see the report about Radhima and other Vlora towns prepared by journalist Ilnisa ​​Agolli. /TCh/