Despite being pronounced dead and wanting to cremate his body - the young man from India who woke up still lost his life  

Despite being pronounced dead and wanting to cremate his body - the young man from India who woke up still lost his life

A 25-year-old man from India was declared dead and his family members were preparing to cremate his body when it was discovered that he was still alive.

Rohitash Kumar, 25, who was deaf and mute, was pronounced dead at a hospital in Rajasthan, northwest India, after further tests were carried out to determine his death.

As soon as it was learned that Kuma was alive during the funeral ceremony, his family took him back to the hospital where he later died, Telegraph reports.

The three doctors who had declared Kumar dead at Bhagwan Das Khetan District Hospital have been suspended.

Kumar had suffered an epileptic fit and was declared dead while doctors were trying to help him.

"The situation was not described otherwise than as a miracle. We were all shocked. He was pronounced dead, but he started breathing and was alive," said a witness. /Telegraph/