For you women: Here are 15 facts you should know about the penis

For you women: Here are 15 facts you should know about the penis

Men give different names to that "friend". But you women should know a few things about the male organ

Below are 15 facts about the penis.

1. About 4 nerve endings are found in the penis. The most erogenous zone of the penis is its head.

2. Long Dong Silver has the longest penis in the world at 45 centimeters. But 90 percent of women say that height is not important, but how strong he is.

3. The male penis gets stronger on average 11 times a day. Only in sleep, the man goes through five erections.

4. Faster than a Ferrari. From 0 to 100 in just 3 seconds - that's how quickly a man gets an erection.

5. A European man's penis is on average 14.5 centimeters long. Obviously in an elevated state. The record is held by the French.

6. The sperm whale has a penis that reaches up to 2.20 meters. The banana snail has a penis twice the size of its body.

7. The penis does not break in the true sense of the word, as it is not a bone. However, there is a penile fracture, which occurs when the penis suffers a kink during sex.

8. A British poll has revealed that 45 percent of men would like a bigger penis. Penis enlargement costs up to 6 thousand euros.

9. A person from Hong Kong can lift 120 kg with his penis. He has the strongest penis in the world.

10. A man in Scotland was fined €660 after punching a penis in the face. Was it worth it?

11. The speed of sperm during ejaculation goes up to 50 kilometers per hour.

12. 25 percent of penises are crooked.

13. One in five million people are born with two penises. Both can be fully functional.

14. Circumcision makes the penis cleaner. But the claim that circumcision increases sexual pleasure is a myth.

15. 57 percent of men say that their friend has left them in the mud several times.