Neck pain and numbness

Neck pain and numbness

Few things are more annoying and uncomfortable than neck pain and numbness, which can affect anyone at any age.

Ferid and Dijana Nahi
Chiropractor – Masseur
045 581 375; 044 180 052

The spine is made up of 24 bones called rings, arranged one above the other. The first 7 spinal rings are located in the neck and are known as cervical rings.

They are all thinly built, soft and their joints, the joints, connect every other bone allowing for a lot of movement. The rings have in front of them a large cylindrical surface called the body of the ring and behind are the arches which protect the spinal cord.

Between the rings are small openings through which the nerves pass out from the spinal cord to the neck and arms. The spinal cord is the main nerve that exits the brain through the neck and reaches the lower back. Contains nerves to all parts of the body.

Through the cervical spine also pass the ring arteries that transport blood from the heart to the brain and supply the parts of the brain while maintaining balance.

Between the rings are cartilaginous discs (cartilages) known as intervertebral discs. The structure of these discs is similar throughout the length of the spine, consisting of a gelatinous core (nucleus pulposus) surrounded by a tough layer of fibers (annulus fibrosus). The annular column is reinforced by several ligaments and muscles. They make the column stronger while allowing it to move easily.

The neck as a part of the spine is similar to the rest, but differs in that it is intended to move more and in different directions, also the neck does not withstand the heavy loads that can be faced by the lower part of the spine spinal.

The top two rings on the neck are very intricate and you are missing the main body from the top. This is replaced by a core directed from the body of the ring below and serves as a pivot which allows the head to rotate over the neck. The ring at the top bears the weight of the skull and is called the atlas, like the mythological giant who carries the world on his shoulders.

Often pain and numbness in the neck is caused by the movement of the discs in the upper part of the spine precisely in the neck. This can happen at different ages, starting from the youngest age and even before the age of 25 to the advanced age. This disorder varies from person to person. The discs of the rings move, and this causes the space between the rings to become narrower, causing swelling, inflammation of the nerve fibers, which makes the person feel pain.

The discs shrink around their corners and on the vertebral side grow outward. Bony ends are called osteophytes. Similar changes are also found in the joints between the vertebral arches. These changes found in cervical spondylarthrosis of the neck can be seen with X-ray examination (radiography) and are present in almost everyone after the age of 65.

When these changes occur they cause pain. Although many people may not have neck pain, even significant changes can be seen on their x-rays. The pain also causes the ligaments to strain and the neck to become numb.

Displaced and inflamed (swollen) discs sometimes pinch the nerve roots and this causes pain, severe numbness from the neck down to the arms and shoulders. If the vertebral artery is pressed by osteophytes, the blood supply to the surface of the brain which controls balance is reduced, it can cause dizziness, migraine, (chronic headache) and in rare cases even blindness.

Sometimes neck pain and numbness can occur due to standing in drafts or exposure to cold and dampness.

Also, neck pain and numbness can occur due to improper posture at work. If the work table is too low and you have to work with your head down, neck pain and numbness occur due to ligament fatigue.

Lying down for a long time can cause neck pain and stiffness. So using 2-3 pillows can cause this problem. Also, if the mattress is too soft, it can cause neck pain and numbness. Sometimes some of these problems can be alleviated by sleeping on a firmer bed and using only 1 pillow.

Therefore, our dear ones, if the pain and numbness of the neck are not eliminated by using a firmer mattress, a suitable pillow, relaxation, then also by using different medicines recommended by many doctors, different tablets, pain relievers, etc. , we recommend that you also try the natural, simple and painless method of chiropractic and the so-called "returning to the place, folding" of the displaced disc or discs, which by touching the approximate nerves cause the excruciating pain, even numbness of the neck, arms and sometimes even the hands up to the end of the fingers.

This method of healing is also being applied here in Kosovo, for several years now, it is Croatian chiropractic with a tradition of more than 150 years. We have already written several articles on this portal, even answering your questions and helping quite a few patients. /Telegraph/

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