Following navigation instructions, three men from India drove over the unfinished bridge - falling 10 meters to their deaths

Following navigation instructions, three men from India drove over the unfinished bridge - falling 10 meters to their deaths

Three men have died in a traffic accident after following navigation instructions to drive onto an unfinished bridge from which they fell and crashed to the ground.

Kaushal Kumai, Vivek Kumar and Amit Kumar were traveling from Gurgurgami southwest of New Delhi in India towards Bareilly Uttar Pradesh when they were following navigation instructions that led them to an unfinished bridge, the Telegraph reports.

Their bodies were trapped inside the wrecked car that fell from a height of 10 meters. They found the residents of the area where the accident happened.

Investigators found that the trio had followed navigation directions on Google Maps, but that it had not been updated and that the maps were out of date.

This app had instructed them to travel over the bridge that showed no signs of being finished and that it had been renovated after it collapsed in 2022 due to torrential rains.

Not knowing they were driving over an unfinished bridge, they didn't even bother to slow down – falling to their deaths on the ground. /Telegraph/