Light diet with apples and pears

Light diet with apples and pears

You can never go wrong with apples and pears, because they are nutritious, delicious, full of vitamins and contain few calories.

Pears and apples are ideal for diet, for many reasons. The apple contains dietary fibers, which give the feeling of satiety, prevent the oscillation of the sugar level and very slowly turn into fats.

These fruits are major treasures of vitamins A and C, potassium and lycopene - the most powerful antioxidant, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, 100 grams of apples and pears contain 60 calories, which is why they are perfect for a diet.

Apples cleanse the body, because they stimulate the function of the liver and bladder. Pear naturally regulates blood sugar levels, making it an ideal dietary food. These trees protect the heart and blood vessels, Telegrafi reports.

What you need to know

• The diet lasts five days, but you can repeat it after taking two days off.
• Forget sweets, white bread, fatty cheeses and give preference to chicken, fish, fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
• You can only use olive oil as a fat, while pepper and aromatic plants are the additives.
• Every morning, right after waking up, drink a glass of lukewarm water.
• Do not skip meals.
• Eat breakfast no later than an hour after waking up, because this way the metabolism speeds up.
• Be sure to eat pears and apples every day while on this diet and do not replace them with other fruits.
• It is desirable to eat sour apples, because they have less sugar.


The five-day menu

First day

Breakfast: A piece of apple pie and 1 dl of milk with 0.5% fat
Between: 1 pear
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs. 250 g of mixed vegetables, to which you add olive oil, lemon and vinegar and 40 g of wholemeal bread
Between: Apple and orange juice frappe
Dinner: 150 g of baked chicken fillet, 40 g of wholemeal bread, a cup of yogurt, apple and pear puree.

The second day

Breakfast: Wholemeal bread sandwich and 100 g of chicken
Between: 2 dl fresh apple juice
Lunch: 200g fish fillet, 150g sour apples prepared with a potato, 40g wholemeal bread
Middle: Pear
Dinner: 120 g of fish and 250 g of corn and carrot salad with olive oil, vinegar and lemon juice.

Third day

Breakfast: Fruit yogurt
Between: 1 apple and 1 pear
Lunch: 100 6 spaghetti with 150 g bolognese sauce
Middle: Baked apple
Dinner: 250 g of beef stew and as many different vegetables as possible, 40 g of wholemeal bread, 1 pear.

The fourth day

Breakfast: A cup of yogurt
Middle: Pear
Lunch: 200 g of fish, 150 g of seasonal salad supplemented with lemon juice and olive oil, 40 g of wholemeal bread
Between: Apple and orange juice
Dinner: 100 g of cheese, 100 g of boiled potatoes, 1 pear

The fifth day

Breakfast: Wholemeal bread sandwich and 70 g of tuna
Between: 1 apple and 1 pear
Lunch: 200 g rice pilaf and chicken meat, roasted pepper supplemented with olive oil, garlic and vinegar, 40 g wholemeal bread
In between: Apple juice
Dinner: 120 g baked fish, 250 g corn salad sprinkled with lemon, 40 g wholemeal bread, pear.


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