Is it safe to have sex during pregnancy?

Is it safe to have sex during pregnancy?

Many pregnant women, as well as their partners, are not sure if sexual intercourse can endanger the baby. Here's what the doctors say about it.

When they get pregnant, women will do anything to prevent something bad from happening to their babies. However, does this mean that sex is also a dangerous activity?

If you ask doctors, they will tell you that as long as the desire for sex exists, pregnancy should not present an obstacle to pleasure, because it does not harm either the mother or the baby.

What's more, most ladies have noticed that sexual intercourse in this period has created more powerful orgasms than ever before.

On the other hand, there are pregnant women who do not like sex at all during the entire pregnancy. This too is nothing abnormal, they too would have to meet their own needs.

Making love during pregnancy increases the couple's intimacy and can even become a useful and exciting experience, Telegrafi reports.

Very often a couple minimizes intercourse while the woman is pregnant and the contacts between the two partners are limited to kisses and hugs, without going into full activity.

Many couples are afraid of causing problems to the unborn child, while mothers avoid certain types of experiences in order to reduce their desire.

In fact, there is no contraindication to having intercourse during pregnancy, only if the doctor prohibits it, and in some special cases, such as; a high-risk pregnancy or poor health of the expectant mother.

In fact, the act does not harm either the fetus or the mother and makes it possible for a couple to strengthen and increase the bond through the discovery of new and previously untried sensations.

Making love with a big belly can be a moment of excitement and ecstasy, with the woman able to feel emotions amplified and much deeper than normal.

Sex during pregnancy also has health benefits, as well as reducing the risk of premature birth. /Telegraph/