If you have sex in these positions, you will have twins!

If you have sex in these positions, you will have twins!

Most couples would like to have twins, but they are unsuccessful. However, there are ways that can help make this wish a reality.

There are many who think that to have twins genetics matter but in recent times, more and more often you can hear that this is done with sex correct.

By this they mean exactly certain sex positions.

It is known that women who go for artificial pregnancy have greater chances of giving birth to twins than those who remain naturally pregnant.

However, smost women would like to have twins and for the children to grow up at the same time.

Some even consider this to be an easy variant, because they manage to give birth to twins with just one pregnancy.

Whatever your reason for wanting twins, there is a possibility that you can increase your chances of having twins, Telegraph reports.

Here are some sexy poses that may help you:


In this pose the woman is on her knees while the man is behind her. In the case of doggy style during the fertile days, it is more likely that more cells will be fertilized, because the uterus is in a bent position.

Standing pose

This sex pose allows deep penetration, so the amount of sperm can reach the fertile egg cells in time.

Missionary pose

This pose is known to be the best for getting pregnant. However, if the woman in this pose raises the part of the pelvis with the help of pillows or in a similar way, there is a greater chance that the spermatozoa will reach their destination faster. /Telegraph/