Apple cider vinegar, healing if used daily

Apple cider vinegar, healing if used daily

Apple cider vinegar lowers high blood pressure, helps with throat diseases, indigestion, poor metabolism and blood circulation and also maintains the body line.

Against chronic fatigue three small spoons of apple cider vinegar should be mixed with a cup of honey and the obtained mixture should be placed in the jar. Every evening before going to bed consume two small spoons of this mixture.

There is another way of consumption. A small spoonful of vinegar can be added to a glass of water and drunk during lunch.

Against joint pain at night you should wrap the painful places with cloth, which are well moistened with apple cider vinegar. Put a woolen cloth on it.

During each meal, one should drink a glass of water, in which ten small spoons of apple cider vinegar have been mixed, Telegrafi reports.

For weight loss for every morning on an empty stomach, one should drink a glass of water with one to two small spoons of apple cider vinegar. Or, during each meal drink a glass of water with two small spoons of vinegar.

The treatment lasts two months, while the loss of kilograms is achieved because apple cider vinegar affects faster burning of excess fatty tissue.

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Against varicose veins for every morning and evening, you should rub the skin over the enlarged veins with pure apple cider vinegar.

In addition, you should also drink a glass of water with two small spoons of vinegar twice a day. The therapy lasts one month. /Telegraph/

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