Goodbye Google Reader! Here are 4 new alternatives

Goodbye Google Reader! Here are 4 new alternatives

On Monday, fans of the online content aggregator – Google Reader, will say goodbye to their favorite service.

This, as Google Reader will be closed on July 1, because Google has said that there has been a decline in the use of the service, and because of the company's strategy to group its services into smaller quantities.

If you have been a regular user of Google Reader, now is the right time for you to export your favorite online pages to another alternative service.

And you can do this by clicking on Settings, Import/Export and following the necessary steps to export your content through Google Takeout, which will download the content into a ZIP folder. And then, most RSS readers will let you import your subscriptions as XML files.

Since March of this year, Google had announced that it will shut down its Google Reader service, and following this warning, several new options have appeared on the Internet that aim to meet our needs for RSS-based services. Some of the recommended options are listed below.

Feedly – To date, the best Google Reader option remains Feedly. The application of this service is very flexible, enabling users to choose between the appearance option which resembles Google Reader, or choose the option which is more like browsing a magazine.

The old reader – Mainly applies to users who love simplicity. The Old Reader is a very good service. The design of this option is very similar to Google Reader, while its use is very easy.

Flipboard – The popular iOS and Android app allows users to read content in magazine format, which is very dynamic.

Digg Reader - It is a new service, which was launched only 24 hours ago, but its use and design is very simple and elegant.

Readers of, which RSS reader do you use?

In addition to the options listed above, what other service would you add?