Giuvarlakia, traditional Greek meatballs

Giuvarlakia, traditional Greek meatballs

* 500 g of minced beef
* 1/3 cup rice tea
* 1 chopped onion
* 1 eggs
* 4-5 spoons of parsley
* 2 tablespoons of mint or fennel (optional)
* some flour
* a little salt
* some pepper
* a little olive oil

For the sauce:
* 1-2 eggs (optional)
* 1-2 lemons (optional)
* 1-2 tablespoons of corn flower or starch
* some flour
* 1 glass of cold water

We put the minced meat in a container, and add the egg, onion, parsley, other spices, salt, pepper, a little oil and the rice that we boiled earlier. We mix them well and start making small balls of meatballs the size of a walnut or slightly larger by hand.

After putting flour in a shallow plate, coat the small meatballs with flour and slowly put them in a wide pot of boiling water, (after we have put the pot with enough water on the fire, a little more than half of the pot, so that the small meatballs are covered, and after the water has started to boil, we lower the temperature and start throwing the small meatballs in, but carefully). Let them boil for 20-30 minutes.

Preparation of the sauce
After they have boiled, lower the temperature of the stove. Put the egg in a bowl, add the lemon juice and corn flower or starch (you can also add some flour) and beat it all together until it becomes a thick mass.
Add the glass of water and a little liquid from the pot (cold water helps that when we pour the liquid from the pot that is hot, a not too high temperature is created so that the egg does not cut) and beat everything together.

Pour the prepared sauce slowly into the pot and do not stir it. Let it boil for another 5 minutes at a low temperature and turn off the stove. Our dish is ready. It can be accompanied by cheese and olives. /Telegraph/