Poetry by: Jeff Weddle
Translated by: Agron Shala

We belong to the same tribe
that's why I have to tell you
that there is also Jesse James
and, of course, there's Bonnie and Clyde.
There are unknown murderers and thieves.
Our tribe has Bukowski and Hemingway,
but also Plath and Dickinson,
O'Connor, Harper Lee, Kerouac,
Hunter Thompson, Ted Kaczynski,
the stranger who hitchhikes in the dark night,
Nili Cerkovski, Johnny Wood Homsin,
Deborah Harin and, of course,
Andre the Giant.
John Jamrusi has sharpened his blade,
never doubt that.
Dear friend Richard Brotigen
and dear friend Hattie Jones.
We are united and ready for war.
We are the fire inside the ice.
Someone is hiding in the shadows.
One of us.
One is getting ready for immortality.
It is not possible.
We belong to the same tribe. you will know me
as i will know you
driven by a terrible thirst,
and also from the fearful screams
in the middle of the night.


Also read by Jeff Weddle: A POEM FOR FADIL