The most famous love letters: I want the light of the seven lamps: of beauty, of honor, of laughter, of music, of love, of life and of immortality...

The most famous love letters: I want the light of the seven lamps: of beauty, of honor, of laughter, of music, of love, of life and of immortality...
The most famous love letters: The Alps and the ocean will separate us only if you want it to
Read too The most famous love letters: The Alps and the ocean will separate us only if you want it to

Vincent Van Gogh, the famous Dutch artist, writes to his brother Theo, describing his unrequited love for his cousin Kee, 1881

Dear Theo. Life has become very dear to me, and I am very happy that I have fallen in love. My life and my love are now one. "But you have faced a 'never', you answer me. My answer to you is: “Old chunak, for now I look at 'never-never' a block of ice, which my heart can melt.


Mark Twain, letter to Olivia Langdon – his future wife, 1869

From the depths of my happy heart flows a stream of love and prayer for this priceless treasure entrusted to my whole life. You cannot see its elusive waves flowing toward you, my love, but in these lines you will hear the distant rippling of the surface.


Russian writer, Leo Tolstoy, to his fiancee Valeria Arsenev, 1856

I already love your beauty, but this is only the beginning of loving you in what is eternal in your heart and soul. For beauty, people can fall in love within an hour, and just as quickly this love can end. But people must learn to recognize the soul.
We believe, nothing in the world is won without work, not even love, the most beautiful and natural feeling.


Johann Wolfgang von Goethe met Charlotte von Stein, in 1775, while living in Weimar. She became the inspiration for many heroines of his works, as well as his wife, 1784

My letters must have shown how much I am in love. I don't eat lunch, I meet few people and I go for walks alone and every beautiful place I see makes me wish you were there. I can't help but love you more than I should. I will feel all the happiness when I see you again. I am always aware of your closeness, your presence never leaves. In you, I have the measure of every woman, for every man. In your love, I have the measure of everything. Not in the sense that the rest of the world is a big book of mugs, but rather, your love makes it clear to me. I clearly understand how men are and what they plan, desire, do and what pleases them. I do not envy them what they have, and comparing them with myself, it is a secret joy to me that I have such a great treasure. You, in your house, should feel as I feel in my affairs. We often don't notice some things because we don't choose to look at them. But things make sense as soon as we clearly understand how they are related to each other. We always like to join a group, and a good man takes pleasure in arranging, adjusting his right and peaceful direction. Goodbye, to whom I love a thousand times.


James Joyce writes to his future wife, a few months after meeting, 1904

My dear Nora. It just hit me. I came at half past 11. Since then I have been sitting in a simple chair like a fool. I can't do anything. I hear nothing but your voice. I'm like a fool listening to you call me "dear". I offended two men today, leaving them out in the cold. I wanted to hear your voice, not theirs. When I'm with you I put aside my scornful and suspicious nature. I would like to feel your head on my shoulders. I believe I will go to bed now. I have been writing this letter for half an hour. Will you write me something? I hope so. How do I sign my name? I won't sign it at all, because I don't know what to sign.


French writer Honore de Balzac, letter to Polish Countess Ewelina Hanska, 1836

My dear angel. I'm going crazy for you, as much as a man can be. I can't put two ideas together without you being in the middle of them. I can't think of anything about you anymore. Despite my desire, imagination brings me to you. I hug you, I kiss you, I take care of you, a thousand cares of love take hold of me. As for my heart, you will always be there. I have a nice feeling to have you there. But, Lord, what will become of me, now that you have deprived me of reason? This is the mania that terrorized me this morning. I get up every moment saying to myself: "Let's go there". Then, I sit down again from my duties. It's a scary conflict. This is not life. I've never been like this before. You have devoured everything. I feel silly and happy just thinking about you. I wander around in a pleasant dream in which I live thousands of years in one moment. What a terrible situation! Covered with love, feeling love in everything, but, living only for love, seeing myself consumed by cares, I find myself caught in a thousand cobwebs. Oh, dear Eve, you don't know. I got your postcard. It is here in front of me and I talk to you as if you were there. I saw you, like yesterday, beautiful, amazingly beautiful. Yesterday, all evening I said to myself "she is mine!" Ah! The angels are not as happy in heaven as I was yesterday!


King Henry VIII of England divorced his wife Catherine to marry Anne Boleyn, 1528

My girlfriend and friend. My heart and I place ourselves in your hands, begging you to take care of us with your goodness and not to let our lack diminish your love for us. To me the pain that absence causes me is very great, and when I think of the increase of what makes me suffer, it would be quite intolerable if it were not for my constant hope in your unchanging love.


The famous French writer, Gustave Flaubert. writes to his wife, Louise Colet, 1846

I will cover you with love when I see you next time. With care, with ecstasy. I want to fill you with all the joys of the flesh, until you faint and die. I want you to be amazed by me, and tell yourself that you never dreamed of such excitement... When you are old, I want you to remember those few hours. I want your dry bones to fill with joy when you think of them.


Irish playwright, George Bernard Shaw, to actress Beatrice Campbell whom he addresses as "Stella", 1913

For Stella,
I love the villainous vagabond inside me,
I love my dark lady
I want my angel, my charm
I want the light of the seven lamps: of beauty, of honor, of laughter, of music, of love, of life, and of immortality...
I want my inspiration, my silliness, my joy
the divinity within me, my madness, my selfishness
my sanity, my sanctification,
my transfiguration, my purification,
my light in the middle of the sea,
my palm tree in the middle of the desert
my garden with the beloved flowers
my thousand nameless joys
my ramblings of the day
my night dreams
my girlfriend and my star... /Tirana Observer/