Dukagjini bookstore with new offers of book sets

Dukagjini bookstore with new offers of book sets

This week as well as other weeks, the Dukagjini Bookstore brings an offer for books carefully selected by our staff. Through these sets of books selected by us, we try to bring as much variety of literary genres as possible with which readers can accompany these hot summer days. Traveling through these various events, you may find yourself on a merry-go-round of confusing and peculiar thoughts and feelings.

The first combination of three books: "ZigZag Dating", "Neither First Nor Last", "Why others love", brings you advice about relationships and the unexpected things that happen to a couple. This combination of the genres "Fiction" and "Non-fiction" or what in Albanian we call fiction and non-fiction aims to summarize the best advice regarding this issue.

Moreover, two books that you can read in one breath and which are two opposite genres to each other but what unites them is the special style of two authors like Anne Rice and Alan Taylor where they connect closely with the reader through the narration of events.

The Country Diaries – Alan Taylor

Journalist Alan Taylor subtly summarizes the writings of many famous British figures in diary form. It begins by describing the life of the Reverend Gilbert White, this book also includes some of the well-known diary writings of the author Beatrix Potter, words from Queen Victoria, Dorothy Wordsworth and many others.

Get up close and personal with Britain's most famous people and culture by reading their lives and works in diary form.

BlackWood Farm – Anne Rice

Thriller and mystery fans can count on this book this summer season. Even after many years, a book published in 2002 is still among the most popular books of the 'horror-thriller-mystery' genre in the United States of America.

Meanwhile, lovers of classics can now read the complete set of books: "Tender is the Night" by F. Scott Fitzgerald, "Love Letters of Great Men" by Ursula Doyle as well as the well-known tragedy by William Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet".

Tom Clancy, known for his stories about the espionage system during the Cold War period, brings his two books as 'Submarine' and 'Companion'. In this set you can be amazed by the flow of these events. Also, two other combinations of well-known books such as: "Sin City" by Harold Robbins, "I am Charlotte Simons" by Tom Wolfe, "Black Aces High" by Robert Wilcox and "State of Fear" by Michael Crichton bring topics from the most different, such as sexual violence, the war in Kosovo in 1999, which connect the past with the present and the future!

Also, for a refreshment of both mind and body, we bring you these newest combinations of books from gastronomy: 'Vegan' by Jean Christian Jury and 'Salad' by Academia Barilla. As well as this season, the desire to know and visit as many places as possible can be realized through the books 'World Heritage Sites' and '501 Wild Places'. Finally, the trio of authors Orhan Pamuk, Khaled Hosseini and the combination of authors Alice Munro and Margaret Atwood bring the flavor of the classical and modern literary period.

So, don't miss such an offer to enrich your library and be enriched with advice about social relationships as well as to become intimately familiar with the writing style of authors Alan Taylor and Anne Rice; This offer is valid until Sunday, 21.07.2019!

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