Not accepting the fact that he is not at home, Xheneta asks for a signal from Gjesti to understand if he is okay.

Not accepting the fact that he is not at home, Xheneta asks for a signal from Gjesti to understand if he is okay.

Xheneta Fetahu is still not coming to terms with the fact that Gesti is not in Big Brother VIP Kosova 3.

She has repeatedly commented on his exit and has mentioned it with almost all the residents.

And recently while she was lying in bed, she has a request for all those who follow this format.

Photo: Screenshot/TikTok

The model asks for a signal from Gesty to tell her if she is okay.

"O Gest, by God, if you're listening to me, by God, by God, people send this video to Gest, please," she said.

It is not yet known - Janet in tears after one of Gjesti's songs is released on BBVK
Read too It is not yet known - Janet in tears after one of Gjesti's songs is released on BBVK

Then the competitor emphasized: "Tell me, send me a sign that it's good, please."

Xheneta is not aware that the singer immediately entered Albania's Big Brother. /Telegraph/

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