Poem by: Allen Ginsberg
Translated by: Fadil Bajraj

The poet is a priest
Money has calculated the soul of America
Congress is torn to the precipice of Eternity
The president has built a war machine that will vomit and kick the Russians out of Kansas
The American century betrayed by the stupid Senate who no longer sleeps with his wife
Franco has killed Whitman's pederast son Lorcan
just as Mayakovsky committed suicide to avoid Russia
The eminent Platonist Hart Crane committed suicide to overthrow the unjust America
at that time when millions of tons of wheat were burned in the hidden caves at the end
White House
until India had a famine and they ate torn dogs boiled by the rain
while mountains of eggs were transformed into white powder in the halls of Congress
no man that feareth the Lord shall henceforth pass through iniquity
of the rotten eggs of America
while the Indians of Chiapas continue to eat their vitamin-free tortillas
the aborigines of Australia probably grind senseless in the desert without eggs
I also rarely eat anise seeds for breakfast, my work needs eggs
countless to be born in Eternity
the eggs must either be eaten or returned to their mothers
while the plight of America's innumerable chickens is expressed in the quips of comedians
her on the radio
Detroit has produced a million automobiles out of rubberwood and ghosts
but I'm walking, I'm walking, even the Orient is walking with me, and all of Africa
it is moving and sooner or later North America will too
for just as we have driven the Chinese Angel from our door he will drive us out
The Golden Door of the future
we have shown no mercy to Tanganyika
Einstein was forever ridiculed for his celestial politics
Bertrand Russell was kicked out of New York because he was a renter
the immortal Chaplin who drove away from our shores with a rose in his teeth
a secret conspiracy of the Catholic Church at the behest of Congress has denied them the means
contraceptives to India's unprecedented mass
No one publishes a single word unless it's a cuckoo robot rant
perverted mentality
The day of publication of the true literature of American society will be the day of the Revolution
of the sex lamb revolution
the only bloodless revolution that distributes free corn
Wild genes will enlighten Ohio's harvesters
Marijuana is not a dangerous narcotic, but J.Edgar Hoover prefers it more
the deadly whiskey
While the hero of Lao Tse and Patrick the Sixth is sentenced to the electric chair
but desolate sick addicts have nowhere to lay their heads
the ill-wishers in our government have discovered the cure for drug addiction which is i
as obsolete as the Radar Time Alert Defense System
i'm time alert radar defense system
I see nothing but bombs
I'm not interested in stopping Asia from being Asia
while the governments of Russia and Asia will come to power and Asia will be overthrown
and Russia will not collapse
the government of America will also fall, but how can America fall
I doubt anyone will ever fall apart from governments
thankfully all governments will fall
the only ones that won't fall are the good ones
while the good ones don't exist yet
But they will start to exist, they exist in my poems
They exist at the death of the Russian and American governments
they exist in the death of Hart Crane and Mayakovsky
Now is the time for prophecies that do not carry with them death as a consequence
the universe will eventually disappear
Hollywood will rot in the windmills of Eternity
Hollywood whose movies are rammed down God's throat
At least Hollywood will get what it deserves
Nerve gas will be released through the radio
History will make this prophetic poem while its terrible stupidity music
spiritual abomination
I have the cooing of pigeons and the feathers of ecstasy
Man cannot long endure the abstract hunger of cannibalism
War is abstract
the world will be destroyed
but I will die for poetry, this will save the world
The memorial to Sacco and Vanzetti has yet to be funded to ennoble Boston
the natives of Kenya are tortured by idiotic peddlers from England
South Africa in the claws of the white beast
Vachel Lindsay Minister of Home Affairs
Poe Minister of Imagination
Pound Minister of Economy
while kra belongs to Kra, of Pukti Pukti
the cross-pollination of Block and Artaud
Van Gogh's ear on currency
more monster propaganda
while poets must avoid politics or they will become monsters
I have become a monster because of politics
the Russian poet is without a shadow of a doubt monstrous in his secret notepad
Tibet should be left alone
These are clear prophecies
America will be destroyed
Russian poets will fight with Russia
Whitman has warned us against this "mythical accursed nation"
Where was Theodore Roosevelt when he was delivering the ultimatums from his Castle in Cambridge
Where was the House of Representatives when Crane read aloud from his books
What plan was Wall Street hatching when Lindsay announced the failure of Money
Did they hear me rambling in the changing rooms of the Employment Offices at Bickfords?
Had their ears pricked up to hear the groans of my soul as I wrestled with the data
statistics on the market at the Forum in Rome
No they fought in burning offices, on heart attack carpets, winking and shopping
with Fate
they fought the Skeleton with swords, muskets, pitchforks, sampling, stolen bombs, fornication,
rocket, pederast,
while they had their chores to tidy up their wives and their homes, the lawns,
suburbs, fairy kingdoms,
Puerto ricans rallied because of the 114th street massacre because of imitating a
the Modern-Chinese refrigerator
The mercy elephants killed them because of an Elizabethan birdcage
millions of fanatics driven mad by the industry's twinkling soprano
Kudos to the bribers – toothpaste monkeys on TVs – deodorants on
hypnotic chairs –
oil traders in Texas - jet trails in the clouds -
heavenly writers liars before God – butchers forked hats and
shoes, all Owners! The owners! The owners! obsessed with ownership and
with the Dissolving Personality!
and their long editorials in the enclosure of the nigger being attacked by ants
that have been dragged off the front page!
The machine of a mass electric dream! The war-mongering whore of Babylon is howling
over the Capitol and the Academy!
The money! The money! The money! Screaming Divine Cracked Illusion Money! Money created by
nothing, starvation, suicide! Failure money! Death money!
Money vs Eternity! As the strong mills of eternity grind the immense paper
of Illusion!

December 1952, Paris.