Dafina reigns with epic night at Hangover Fest, Thursday Azet, Sunday Luciano with the Gift

Dafina reigns with epic night at Hangover Fest, Thursday Azet, Sunday Luciano with the Gift

Hangover Club as one of the biggest clubs in the country recently started the summer adventure in the new sci-fi environment, which is like a summer dream of nighttime fun. The epic evenings have not stopped during the Hangover Fest, which for 14 consecutive evenings brings 50 local and international superstar artists to the city of Gjakova.

It was Dafina Zeqiri who showed her supermacy this summer with her next appearance at Hangover Club during Hangover Fest.

Despite the fact that it was her second performance in a short time at the Hangover Club, Dafina Zeqiri proved to be a queen, once again reaching an extremely large number of fans who enjoyed the spectacle in the fantastic new premises of the Hangover Club, which is not for nothing called otherwise "Experience - Not from this Planet".

The epic evenings, with "Experience - Not from this Planet" at Hangover Fest continue with international events, where, among others, Azet and Zuna perform on Thursday.

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Meanwhile, on Sunday, for the first time in our country, the European hip hop superstar, Luciano, will be at Dhurata Dora's side in Sunday's super event, also at Hangover Fest, on Sunday, July 31.

Below is the information about the next events:

Lineup 1:

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Lineup 2:

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