Cases of Covid are increasing in Albania, the Technical Committee recommends wearing masks indoors

Cases of Covid are increasing in Albania, the Technical Committee recommends wearing masks indoors

The Technical Committee of Experts in Albania has recommended wearing a mask indoors, due to the recent increase in cases of COVID-19.

In the meeting held this Wednesday, the chairman of this Committee and the Deputy Minister of Health, Mira Rakacolli appealed for vaccination.

The recommendation to keep the mask indoors, where even social distancing cannot be maintained, is especially valid for people who are sick and elderly", said Rakacolli.

Two dead and 974 infected with coronavirus in Albania
Read too Two dead and 974 infected with coronavirus in Albania

She also appealed for vaccination, saying that the third or fourth dose can be performed and added that this is the most efficient means of preventing infection.

With the current spate of infections, Rakacolli emphasized that there is no need to tighten the measures.

Currently, there are 4,235 active citizens with Covid throughout the country. 3 patients are receiving treatment at the COVID24 hospital. /Telegraph/