Caravan with 4 thousand immigrants to the USA, Trump threatens them with the army (Video)

Caravan with 4 thousand immigrants to the USA, Trump threatens them with the army (Video)

A caravan of 4000 immigrants had left Honduras and had been marching for days to the USA.

The American president called on them to return and that he would engage the military if they approached the American border.

To countries that would help, Trump promised to cut off aid.

The migrant caravan continued its march and today arrived in Mexico, from Guatemala.

But Mexican police forces intervened and made him stop, reports.

The Mexican Foreign Minister said that the representatives of the caravan have been informed that they must now continue the journey scattered, not in a group. Otherwise they will continue to be banned.

It is said that as they marched, the immigrants sang in chorus: "One way or another, we will pass. We are immigrants, we are not traffickers".

President Trump, meanwhile, has thanked the Mexican authorities for their cooperation. /Telegraph/