Become a partner of the strongest - Auto Mita is looking for new partners for Prizren and Pejë

Become a partner of the strongest - Auto Mita is looking for new partners for Prizren and Pejë

The leader of car sales in the country, Auto Mita, in the wake of the expansion of the activity, is looking for new partners.

The exclusive representative of the number 1 brand in Kosovo and in the world opens its doors for partners in the municipality of Peja and Prizren.

From the introduction of new models, to servicing and parts for Renault and Dacia brand cars, Auto Mita is a leader in providing these services.

Auto Mita comes to the city of Prizren and Peja, where it is looking for a potential partner to become an authorized dealer for the sale and servicing of Renault and Dacia cars.

Now the number of people interested in joining Auto Mita as a partner is very large.

To learn more HOW YOU CAN BECOME A PARTNER, click HERE heading to the competition in the official website.

For other information, contact:, or on the official website at Facebook.
