Alexander the Great and Afghanistan

Alexander the Great and Afghanistan
"The Marriage of Alexander the Great with Roxana", work done in 1519 by Giovanni Antonio Bazzi

From: Daut Dauti

"I have engaged in the land of lions and brave people where every step is a steel wall that my soldiers face. You have brought only one Alexander into this world, but in this country every mother has brought an Alexander".

This is a quote from Alexander the Great's letter to his mother, Olympias, from Afghanistan. Alexander conquered the territories that stretched from Macedonia to Afghanistan in a short time. But in Afghanistan, he had to fight for four years to subjugate this country where he stayed for another two years. There he married an Afghan princess named Roksana, who was said to be the most beautiful woman in the world. Alexander liked Roksana very much.

When the Afghans submitted, they joined Alexander's army and marched with him as far as India. Alexander, even though he fought a bloody war, the Afghans respected him and did not rise against him while he was alive. Alexander forced Macedonian soldiers to marry Afghan, Persian and other Asian women. Alexander had a quality of leadership that was not repeated after him, even to this day. After subjugating the countries, he treated everyone equally because he rejected differences of race, religion or any other 'barrier'. With these measures of equality, Alexander made the Afghans his own.

In Afghanistan, he is still mentioned with respect today. Many settlements bear his name, including the city of Kandahar – from Iskandar or the city of Alexander.

Alexander was also married to Barsina, daughter of Darius, king of Persia and her cousin, Paristais. When Alexander died (323 BC) Roxana killed these two women. Roksana was pregnant and she did this to preserve the line of rule that would now have Macedonian-Afghan blood.

The Afghans were greatly grieved when Alexander died, who was the only one who subdued them, but they loved him because he had conquered their hearts. Alexander's actions were never repeated in history and that made him the Great. /Telegraph/