Quote from Franz Kafka: God gives you the nuts, but does not crack them!

Quote from Franz Kafka: God gives you the nuts, but does not crack them!

Franz Kafka (July 3, 1883 – June 3, 1924) was a Jewish writer from Bohemia. He wrote in German, and is best known for his short stories. Kafka is regarded as one of the main figures of XNUMXth century literature.

• The first sign of the beginning of meaning is the desire to die.

• The man of action, forced to think, is unhappy until the moment he manages to get out of this situation.

• A staircase that is not worn by people's steps, from her point of view, is just something ordinary made of wood.

• He always took a deep breath first after freeing himself from vanity and complacency.

• Anyone who fails to find the meaning of his life while he is alive needs a hand to save him a little from the despair of his fate… but with the other hand he cannot unravel what he sees in the ruins .

• Anyone who retains the ability to see beauty will never grow old.

• Companionship with human beings leads to self-observation.

• Atlas was allowed the opinion that he was free, if he wanted, to grab the Earth and throw it away; but this opinion was the only thing he was allowed.

• Believing in progress does not mean believing that any progress has been made.

• Believing passionately in something that does not yet exist, we create it. The non-existent is whatever we haven't desired enough.

• By imposing too much responsibility, moreover, all responsibility, on yourself, you ruin yourself.

• Don Quixote's misfortune is not his imagination, but Sancho Pancho.

• Don't despair, even if you don't despair.

• Each revolution evaporates and leaves behind only the cobwebs of a new bureaucracy.

• Wicked is anything fun.

• From a certain point of forward movement there is no turning back. This is the point to be reached.

• God gives you nuts, but does not crack them.

• He who seeks does not find, but he who does not seek will be found.

• The sky is mute, it only echoes muteness.

• How can you find pleasure in the world if you do not have it for shelter?

• I don't read the ads. Because I would spend all my time looking for things.

• I have a true sense of myself only when I am extremely unhappy.

• Laziness is the beginning of all vices, the crown of all virtues.

• If I will live forever, how will I exist tomorrow?

• In a sense, good is uncomfortable.

• In the struggle between you and the world, support the world.

• In theory there is a possibility of perfect happiness: To believe in the indestructible element within oneself and not to collide with it.

• It is comfortable to think that the distribution of things in the world appears to be only arithmetical.

• It is often safer to be in chains than to be free.

• How terribly little is the knowledge of myself compared to the knowledge of my room.

• Let me recall the old saying: suspicious people are more normal than others, as long as they are in the balance without knowing it, being weighed together with their sins.

• My "fear" is my essence, and perhaps my best part.

• My guiding principle is this: Guilt must never be suspected.

• Even without saying things, he does them - this is how a person with values ​​acts.

• No one can see the truth, but it can be the truth.

• One advantage of keeping a journal is that you don't notice the changes you suffer from over and over again.

• Fruitfulness is doing things you were not able to do before.

• Self-control means desiring to be fruitful to a point in infinite radiance with my spiritual existence.

• As long as you have the bite in the paint, then you have solved all the problems of the moment.

• Start with what is right rather than starting with what is acceptable.

• Suffering is the positive element of this world, indeed it is the only link between this world and the positive.

• Sensual love is deceptive as well as divine love; it cannot become itself, but as long as it has unconsciously the element of divine love within itself, it can become so.

• Human history is the moment between two steps of the traveler.

• The fact that our goal is precisely measured with our life gives us the impression that we are eternal.

• The soul becomes free only when it ceases to be a support.

• There are only two things. Truth and lies. Truth is indivisible, so long as it does not know itself; all those who want to know him are just lying.

• We all have lips, but we don't need them for anything and if we could, we would rip them off.

• Youth is happy because it has the opportunity to see beauty. All those who are able to see beauty never grow old.

• We are sinners not only because we ate the Tree of Knowledge, but also because we did not eat the Tree of Life. The state we are in is sinful, regardless of guilt.


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