

Acupuncture, or acupuncture, is a science that deals with the recording and study of the information that the diseased body gives on certain surfaces and points. Each body has its own points. Changes in these points indicate and inform about functional changes in the organism. These points serve not only for diagnosis, but also for therapy.

Dr. Rabit Sadiku PhD

Acupuncture raises the energy flow in the body and directs it towards the diseased area. It has been scientifically proven that the human body produces protective substances that have a similar effect to morphine. These are endorphins and enkaphalins.

What does the word "acupuncture" mean? The notion "acupuncture" derives from the Latin word: "acus", which in Albanian means: needle and "pungure", which in Albanian means: stabbing, piercing. Acupuncture activates the herbal plant in the body. These are various biological substances that secrete; the nervous system alone has 70 such "herbs" that serve us in the fight against diseases.

According to acupuncture, everything is in us: the origin, the roots of the disease and the way to fight against diseases. Special knowledge and care is needed to stimulate the "herbs" with special needles, namely the overtaught points, proven for thousands of years, which are closely related to the diseased organ - the path to healing and success is certain.

Diseases cured by acupuncture:

-Headaches (migraines)
-Different paralysis
-Rheumatic diseases
- Sciatica
- Lumbago
- Allergies
- Asthma
- Urination in children at night
- Skin diseases
-Obesity (decrease in body weight)
-Cosmetics (removal of spots, wrinkles)
-Various health problems

The Chinese believe that energy constantly flows through the human body. This is the fundamental substance that sustains life and that all phenomena were created by the changes and movements of energy (chi).

The term "Chi" in traditional Chinese medicine is the essential substance of the human body that supports the activities and vital functions of Zang fu organs and tissues. "Chi" is so rare and thin that it cannot be seen. It is manifested in the functions of the "zang fu" organs. All the vital activities of the human body are a reflection of the changes in the movement of "chi".

"Chi" as life energy is universal and always present. If the movement of "Chi" ceases, death follows. "Chi" is always created and used for the human body.

It stimulates all the living cells and tissues of the human being and makes the connection with the universe. It is an invisible force that sets in motion all life activities. It cannot be seen or measured, but can be felt with a pulse in the radial artery.

"Chi-u", or energy, made a cycle for 24 hours. The life process is activated and sustained by energy, or "chi" with vital force. The law of nature is created by the action of this vital energy. For example, rhythm, period, polarization and depolarization. The human body before birth has certain energy.

This energy is ultimately: (say x +y). Internal ambient energy can neither be created nor eliminated, it can only be transferred from one place to another.

It can be spent with daily activities of the human body and accumulated with food and fresh air. When energy expenditure and growth is at the limit, regular growth and good health continue. Change causes ill health, while lack of energy causes death.

Scientific Theories on Acupuncture

Neurological theory or theory of door arrangement

This theory was formulated in 1965 by Ronald Melzac from McGill University in Montreal and Partik.D. Wall from University College London. According to them, all pain impulses direct, modulate, modify the functional doors located in the gelatinous substance in the spinal cord.

Under normal conditions these doors are open allowing impulses to enter freely. So the impulses come up to the spinal cord, through the roots of the posterior nerves. Behind the doors, pain impulses pass to the side of the spinal cord that go as spinothalamic pathways to the thalamus and further to the roots of the spinal cord.

In this way the patient feels pain. The whole process is short-term because the pain impulse has a speed of one meter per second. After applying the needles, another round of sensory impulses appears. These impulses are painless in nature and travel along the thick fibers faster, at the speed of 120 meters per second.

Two directions of impulses are signaled at the same time on functional doors. The immediate reaction is to close the doors which causes the pain to increase in severity, and that no pain is felt.

Thalamic integration theory

Since the "substantia gelatinosa" cannot modify pain impulses that initiate in the face and head, alternate doors were a natural choice, explained PLMan and CHChen, proving two functional doors in 1972.

Changu of the Shanghai Institute of Physiology formulated the four-door theory known as the thalamic integrative theory. According to the theory of Prof. Changut the spinal cord, the root cord and the thalamus are connected with the inhibitory mechanisms between the different impulses that reach from the pain site and the puncture point.

Circuit inhibition theory of the cerebral cortex

This theory was launched by scientists from the former BRRS. They proved that when the human body is punctured, a sensitivity is formed at a point that is present in the cortex of the marrow.

This action causes inhibition on the surface of this point, resulting in analgesia in the specific region, e.g. Hegu (LI 4) causes an analgesic effect through the face and thumb, for the reason that the face and the finger are close in the cerebral hemisphere.

Felix Mann's reflexive theory

Felix Mann College of the University of London proved that if the internal organ can show its reflection on the surface (the sensitivity in the right shoulder of holicistisi or the sensitivity of Mac-Barijev's point of appendicitis) According to him, acupuncture acts, internally, with the help of special reflex reactions called "cutaneous-visceral" reflexes.

Endorphin release theory

Bruce Pomerans, professor of neurology at the University of Toronto, explains the analgesic effect of acupuncture that comes from the release of the hormone endorphin after the needling.

Endorphin is an active neuropeptide and, like morphine, it has a tendency to bind to receptors of pain cells in the nervous system. For this reason it has strong analgesic properties. This is how Prof. explains the role of endorphins in the regulation mechanism of herbs. Pomeranz: when morphine is injected, the pituitary gland stops producing endorphins (since endorphins are similar in nature to morphine as a substance).

The human body does not want such substances and they stop producing them. When the morphine injection is stopped at the same moment, the person goes into a state of withdrawal, because his body does not produce endorphins.

It takes a certain amount of time for the body (hypophysis) to take production. During this period the patient feels uncomfortable. Endorphin is synthetically prepared in a non-laboratory way but unfortunately it is very narcotic.

Acupuncture anesthesia can be indicated on the basis of endorphin release. Acupuncture anesthesia becomes ineffective if the injection is preceded by nalorphine, which blocks nerve cells from receiving endorphins.

However, if after the anesthesia with acupuncture the injection of nalorphine is done, the anesthesia with acupuncture is effective. Removal of the pituitary gland that creates endorphins also made acupuncture anesthesia ineffective because: ie. it doesn't come down to endorphin production.

There are many other theories.

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