A rare diamond has been discovered that changes color at extremely low temperatures - at minus 196 degrees Celsius

A rare diamond has been discovered that changes color at extremely low temperatures - at minus 196 degrees Celsius

They are among the rarest gemstones and are worth hundreds of thousands of pounds. It is about diamond, but scientists have recently discovered a new type of stone that changes color and is otherwise known as "chameleon diamond".

Instead of changing shape if heated, the new diamond turns from gray to yellow - but this happens when the temperatures are very low, reports the Telegraph.

The discovery was made by Stephanie Persaud from the American Institute in Carlsbad, California, where while arguing with some customers she noticed how the diamond in the refrigerator was changing color.

The value of the diamond remains unknown, although experts believe it could be very expensive.

However, those who will buy it will probably never have the chance to see it change color - this is due to the fact that it changes color at extremely low temperatures - as was the case when it was discovered that it had been placed in a special freezer at minus 196 degrees Celsius. /Telegraph/

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