Xheneta mentions Gjesti: I haven't received any letters since he left, I think he's gone back to his ex-girlfriend

Xheneta mentions Gjesti: I haven't received any letters since he left, I think he's gone back to his ex-girlfriend

The gesture has been on Xheneta's mind again recently, who claimed that the same person has not sent her any messages since his elimination from BBVK, without her knowledge that he has already become a sensation by "joining" BBVA.

Xheneta told Leo that she hasn't received any sign from Gjesti for two weeks now and that he is hinting that he may have returned to his ex-girlfriend.

"Imagine that two weeks have passed and he hasn't given me any sign, but it seems to me that he went back to that baby [his ex-girlfriend]," she told Leo.

"He 'could' at least send me a letter," Xheneta added.

It was Leo who also told him that he suspected that Gjesti might have returned to his ex-girlfriend and that he had mentioned her a lot during the time he was inside.

Dramatic situations have also occurred on the other side of the format, where Gjesti recently declared to Xheneta that he truly loved her. /Telegraph/

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