What was not seen from the Big Brother VIP show - Laertes seriously offended Gjesti?

What was not seen from the Big Brother VIP show - Laertes seriously offended Gjesti?

The insults towards Gjesti, as can be seen, have not stopped on Big Brother VIP Albania 4.

After the case of G-Bani, who insulted his sister and mother, and then Jozi's constant bullying, another moment occurred yesterday evening (Tuesday).

First, it was the columnist Arbër Hajdari who said about Gjesti that "someone has taken a big shovel and is digging holes, while the other residents are falling into them one by one."

Photo: Screenshot/TikTok

Then, the Black Envelope was read and it was announced that Bani, Jozi, and Amber go to a televote and one of them leaves the house.

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Although Amber decided to leave immediately.

And as the latter had just left the house, Laert Vasili is heard insulting Gjesti.

"It's the fault of that little one who digs holes," says Laertes. /Telegraph/

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