Kosovo escalated the Enver Hoxha-Mehmet Shehu conflict!?

Kosovo escalated the Enver Hoxha-Mehmet Shehu conflict!?

What did Mehmet Shehu say to Enver Hoxha in 1981? Has Mehmeti requested that Albania enter the war with the SFRJ? Why did Enver Hoxha and Ramiz Alia not love Mehmet Shehu? How does his bodyguard describe Mehmet Shehu's death? Why did the communist regime kill the minister of health? What did Enver Hoxha accuse Ali Çeno and Kadri Hazbiu of? Telegrafi brings you below, you can read parts of the memoirs of Ali Ali Çeno, Mehmet Shehu's bodyguard, prepared by Agim Zogaj.

"The person who committed the murder entered through the front door of the villa, cooperating with an insider who opened the door with an intercom. After throwing strong tranquilizers into the glass of chamomile, Mehmet was killed in his sleep with a pistol with a silencer," Ali Çeno remembers those moments on the morning of December 18, 1981, when he found his boss, the Prime Minister of Albania, dead. , Mehmet Shehu.

Çeno: The murder of Kurdisi Ramizi!

“His hand was cold and half frozen. He was lying on the bed with his mouth and eyes closed and the bed had no wrinkles. While I was measuring his pulse, I saw Ladi take some written sheets from the bedside table, which were inserted in an open envelope. I told him to give them to me, but he said they were for the family. Also, on the dresser I saw a glass, which had a finger of yellow liquid at the bottom. Mehmeti used that glass to drink chamomile, as a sedative for the worries he had those days. At that moment I called Ramiz Ali and told him: 'Listen to me carefully, Mehmeti has killed himself'.

After my words, Ramiz answered me quite calmly: 'No hour'. I told him again that Mehmet had left a letter in a big envelope. Only after these words, Ramizi started to shout and very angry said to me: 'Let no one read the letter, don't open it at all!' When no more than 15 minutes had passed, Kadri Hazbiu came into the room, while Ramiz Alia stayed downstairs and did not go upstairs at all. Kadri's first words were: 'Who has the letter?' I told him that Ladi had it and immediately entered the room, took him out of there and told him to give the letter to Kadri. After a while, the group of criminological experts came there to do the expertise. They collected all the items that were there, in Mehmet's bedroom, such as: the wristwatch, the tape recorder, etc. As they were packing them into their suitcases, I told them to also take the glass that was on the dresser. But when I turned my head, I saw that the glass was not there. I got angry and started to check, I went into the bathroom, but I didn't find him there either", adds Çeno.

How does Ali Çeno think that the murder of his boss, Mehmet Shehu, was carried out, and what are the mysteries that covered him that night? Who are the real authors who ordered the assassination of Prime Minister Mehmet Shehu?

The bodyguard and escort commander of the former Albanian prime minister, even without speaking, it is clear that he knows much more than he wants to tell about that event. However, he says: "I have never doubted that that murder was planned by Ramiz Alia", makes the sensational accusation Ali Çeno, pointing the finger at the last former communist president of Albania, as one of those who ordered the murder of former Prime Minister Mehmet Shehu. And, he continues: "I am more than sure of this. Ramizi was the only person from all the members of the Political Bureau and those of the Central Committee who stayed far away from Mehmet, because the others stayed behind and tried to serve him as much as possible, despite the fact that Mehmet could not stand them. Ramiz Alia came to Mehmet's house only on occasions of holidays and that was done as a matter of course".

The two variants for the elimination of Mehmet Shehu!

The elimination of Mehmet came as a result of opening the way to power for Ramiz Ali, whom Enver designated as his successor.

"But Ramizi could not take Enver's place if Mehmet Shehu was alive. So Enveri and Ramizi decided to physically eliminate Mehmet to ensure the continuity of the power of the Hoxha family, which Ramizi had given evidence that he would do, with the connection of the krushki with Enveri's family. And Mehmet Shehu not only had not shown any desire to connect any relationship with Enver's family, but he had done the opposite, he had rejected it, when Nexhmija wanted one of her granddaughters to marry Skenderi, the second son. of Mehmet.

Mehmet had done the same thing with Ramiz Ali, breaking the friendship between the two families, shortly after the ceremony they did in the Dajti mountain villa, there from the beginning of 1980. These actions of Mehmet were not few, for to let Enver understand that he wasn't asking him at all while he was alive, let alone when Enver was dead. And what Enver and Ramizin could not agree on, is that Mehmeti not only refused friendly relations with their families, but agreed to connect with the Turdiu family, which, according to Enver Hoxha, was related to some escaped criminals in America. including Arshi Pipan, who had made very serious accusations against Enver Hoxha from the point of view of morality. Seeing all this, Enveri and Ramizi made the decision to physically eliminate Mehmet Shehu and the realization of that plan was undertaken by Ramizi, who prepared the situation by conceiving the criticisms in the Bureau".

But what happened on the evening of December 18, 1981, behind the scenes of the communist "Block", where the senior Albanian leadership lived, after the physical elimination of Prime Minister Mehmet Shehu was decided?

Regarding this, Ali Çeno says: "I think that the plan to kill Mehmet was determined in detail, which would be realized in the evening of December 18. Two variants were prepared for that. The first variant was the murder of Mehmet, as it was realized, saying that he killed himself during a nervous breakdown. And the second option would be implemented in case the first option could not be implemented".

The killing of Shehu was confirmed by the minister of health, but he was liquidated by the regime!

"In this case, i.e. in the second variant, Mehmeti would be arrested or killed on the pretext that that night, since he had no other way out, after criticism in the office, he wanted to assassinate Enver Hoxha and that had assigned his bodyguard Ali Cenos (who allegedly failed to carry out the murder, as he was arrested shortly before committing it). For the realization of the second variant, I had to be present in the premises of Mehmet's villa. To solve this (since I never slept there), one of the escorts called me that night, telling me that I absolutely had to go there. So, that night I was forced to go to the villa around 23 pm, unwittingly falling for the trick that had been arranged before. Since that time, I have always brought it to mind and been troubled by the fact that the person who killed Mehmet entered the villa.

At first I suspected that he had gone through the back door of the villa, where we usually had no guard, but then I learned the truth and I know very well that the person who committed the murder entered through the front door of the villa, and which was opened from the inside with an intercom. In order to realize the entrance of the killer inside the villa, one of the internal service cooperated. This person threw a sleeping pill into the glass that Mehmeti was drinking, and after it took effect, the person entered his room and killed him in his sleep with a pistol with a silencer, because the sound of the pistol would be impossible to hear. could not be heard in the stillness of that night. I am completely convinced that this is how the murder was carried out and not as he, the chief of forensic experts, who stated that it was a classic suicide, says. There is no classic suicide, there is classic murder. It is known that suicide is committed in conditions of deep depression and the person who commits it is completely disfigured. But in this particular case, Mehmeti was in a completely normal state, lying on his back with his legs together, half covered, with his eyes and mouth closed and his glasses not removed.

There is no possibility for a man to kill himself without being completely distorted, and the pistol at the moment of firing should have bounced a little away from his body, while it was almost close to his hand. That it was a murder was also confirmed by the Minister of Health, Llambi Zicishti, when they told him: 'Come on, Mehmeti has killed himself'. But when Lllambi came there, he naively said: 'This is not suicide'. This assertion cost him his life. What about the glass that was on the bedside table, what was inside and why did they disappear it, when it was needed for examination and not the wristwatch, tape recorder or glasses that the group of forensic experts took with them".

The punishment of Ceno and Hazbi!

But what happened to Ali Cheno after that event and what were the charges against him?

Regarding this, Çeno testifies: "After they kept me in semi-isolation for ten days and supposedly at their disposal, they transferred me to the Cërriku Brigade as the head of the gymnasium. After three months, when I was eating bread in a restaurant, I was arrested by a group of Special Investigations from Tirana. At its head was Sokol Spiro Koleka, who, like a real criminal, tortured me every day for a year and a half in the most inhuman way. There, in the interrogator, they asked me completely unreasonable and absurd things. They accused me as if Mehmet Shehu had commissioned me to kill Enver Hoxha and that we were left in the preparatory phase without being able to carry it out.

Second, they accused me of being a member of Xhevdet Mustafa's gang and Mehmet Shehu's courier with foreign agencies, etc. All these were false accusations and they were made for me to accept and prove what Enveri raised about Mehmet Shehu as a poly-agent. By torturing me, they pressured me and told me that I should accept. Despite all the inhuman torture they did to me (when I entered the interrogator I weighed 115 kilograms and left there with 63 kilograms) I did not admit to anything, neither in the interrogator nor in the trial, where I was sentenced to ten years in prison, most of it whom I spent at Burrel. After the arrest, the State Security, after confiscating all the spoils of the house, exiled my wife and two young children to the village of Kotovjat in Gramsci, with two blankets with them. There they treated them in the most inhuman way, leaving them to live in a horse stable. They did the same with my brothers, removing them from the places where they used to work".

What is the role of Kadri Hazbiu, accused by Enver as an accomplice of Mehmet, but also rumored to be implicated in his murder?

"Kadri Hazbiu maintained a manly attitude, both during the investigation and in the trial, where he exposed all the unwashed facts regarding the accusations made against him as Mehmet's accomplice. Likewise, in the trial, Kadriu issued strong accusations openly alluding to Enver Hoxha, as the cause of the de-conspiracy and the disappearance of Albanian agents in neighboring countries. Kadri Hazbiu has no hand in the murder of Mehmet Shehu, on the contrary, during the trial he defended him, saying: 'If Mehmet Shehu was a poly-agent, I, Kadri Hazbiu, should be the chief poly-agent. But this accusation is not true at all and here everything is made up. We, who are accused here as his collaborators, are nothing more than scapegoats to justify the disappearance and elimination of the main figure, Mehmet Shehu. This trial is staged and those who accuse us are the ones who should be in the dock as traitors..."

The big rift between Mehmet Shehu and Ener Hoxha started in 1976

Ali Çeno testifies that, although the Shehu's conflict with Hoxha had been expressed for years, the contradictions between them intensified after 1976. Regarding this, he says: "The big rift, in the relations between Enver and Mehmet, started there from 1976. I don't know what was the cause of the breakdown of relations between them, but they became so irritated that they no longer met each other, except for meetings and official meetings. After that year, they no longer vacationed together, as usual in Durrës, Vlora or Pogradec.

After that year, they rested separately and the breakdown between them reflected between Nexhmija and Fiqêreti, as well as between their children. Even, this cooling reflected in the two accompanying groups led by me and Sulo Gradeci. Except for Behar Zhurda, whom I used to meet because I was a friend and he was a good person, none of the officers of one group anymore socialized with the officers of the other group. This cooling, between Enver and Mehmet that happened at that time, had consequences for Mehmet, and in the meetings of the Political Bureau or the Government, when Enver Hoxha also participated, many criticisms began to be directed at him, which had never happened before. first.

These criticisms, for various problems, were made by Enver Hoxha, but also by others he encouraged, especially when Muho Asllani, Pali Miska, or Lenka Çuko came to government, whom Mehmeti could not stand at all. He often said to me: 'Could the coachman or the milkmaid run the economy of Albania?' He used to say these words to some of his confidants."

It has been said that between Enver and Mehmet, from March 1981, there was a controversy which reached the limits of a fight. This is confirmed by Ali Çeno, who was present in the fight between the two heads of the Albanian state. Regarding this, he recalls: "In March or the beginning of April 1981, Enveri and Mehmeti had just left the KQ building. They stood in front of the party house, arguing with each other so loudly that their words could be heard not only by us officers of the escort groups, but even further away. Mehmeti addressed Enver: 'Today let's announce the general mobilization and start the tanks towards the North, on the border with Yugoslavia. We here cannot sit idly by when people are being killed there. A general mobilization would attract the attention of the West and the Kosovo problem will be easier to solve. If the need arises, we will also start the war. We have no more expectations. After these words, Enveri answered you in that high tone: 'No, we can never do this. We cannot destroy in one day what we have built for forty years'...“. /Telegraph/