US gives green light to KSF to purchase helicopters

US gives green light to KSF to purchase helicopters

The Kosovo Security Force (KSF) is also receiving support from the United States of America. And to get the green light, Defense Minister Ejup Maqedonci has been staying at the State Department for several days, holding high-level meetings.

The Macedonian said that the KSF has also received support for the purchase of helicopters from the Department of Defense.

"One of the points of discussion was the continuation of the purchase of the weapon system, now the Kosovo Security Force from 2025 will move to another phase, namely the third phase of the transition, where more advanced systems will be required, especially military support, which means helicopters, which means air defense radars. And we have received support that the United States of America will support the Republic of Kosovo in building these capacities. Over the next two days, we have important visits related to military purchases," Macedonci stated for tevë1.

In addition to helicopters, the KSF will also be supplied with a significant number of Javelin anti-tank equipment this year.

"One of the topics we discussed was to have the Javelin anti-tank missile system as part of our anti-tank systems, as we also have other anti-tank systems in the KSF. We have received support there that will make it impossible to have a certain quantity at least this year. Normally, during the following year, we will have the completion of all anti-tank equipment, because it is known that a considerable amount has been purchased," he said.

The Minister announced that for the first time, the KSF will be sent to the Middle East with the IOWA guard.

"We have discussed the steps we will take together with the US in order to create international agreement facilities for the landing of the Kosovo Security Force for the first time in a critical military operation in the Middle East that we intend to plan with the IOWA National Guard. We have also informed the Department of Defense about the progress that has been made in the military capabilities of the KSF," he said.

Also, within the framework of meetings at the Department of Defense, the Macedonian was informed that FBI experts are assisting the Kosovo police in the investigation of the attack on the Ibër-Lepenc canal.

"The State Department has been informed about the engagement of FBI experts in order to support our institutions in the investigation of the case. It is normal that both we and the State Department have discussed that the final result will also reveal the actors who were involved in the attack against critical infrastructure, as they have been involved in many previous attacks. The final results will be awaited to arrive at accurate information, but I have presented our well-founded suspicion that these attacks were carried out by terrorist groups led by Radoicic."

During these meetings, Minister Makedonci announced that he has a strong commitment to supporting the Republic in the Adriatic Charter and subsequently in other structures, including NATO.