BBVK's Will: Being gay does not make you less of a man

BBVK's Will: Being gay does not make you less of a man

An open and honest debate between Drilon and Vullnet took place in the "Big Brother VIP" house, where they addressed sensitive topics related to sexual orientation and perceptions about it.

During the conversation, Driloni made it clear that certain behaviors would likely bother him at home.

He expressed that he would feel uncomfortable if Vullneti displayed behaviors that he called "styles" and made gestures towards other boys in the house.

"If I had seen you behaving in this way and starting to exploit and touch the boys here - I wouldn't have been able to handle them, I would have been embarrassed. In Germany I see a lot of them like that," said Driloni.

Vollneti challenged stereotypes and prejudices by saying: "I am not that kind of person and 'gays' are not that kind of people. They are not the majority, sexuality has nothing to do with gender, you are both 'gay' and a man – you are no less of a man if you are 'gay'."

This conversation between the two residents has sparked numerous discussions inside and outside the “Big Brother VIP” house. While Driloni reflects on his concerns, Vullneti emphasizes the importance of respect and understanding, challenging the stereotypes that often follow LGBTQ+ people. /Telegraph/

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