Upset Egli, Gestie: I'm not kidding, I don't want to hurt her

Upset Egli, Gestie: I'm not kidding, I don't want to hurt her

Egli Tako recently had a conversation with Bernard where she is seen upset as they stand together in the yard.

She talks to him about Gjesti, their relationship, and shows that she is very touched by him in some way.

The same woman emphasizes that she does not like some of the singer's gestures, even though he stays close to her and teases her.

Photo: Screenshot / YouTube

"I was very upset yesterday. It's fatigue, but that's a big reason why. Because I'm seeing a lot of actions that I don't like," she said.

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Meanwhile, the resident replied: "Collect your mind, make a decision. It's not easy to find something that's fake."

Photo: Screenshot/Instagram

"When I come, you leave. When I say what you have, you turn to me and say what I'm doing to you, I want to be alone. Then I see you hanging out with people, you're very nice, then you come and get into my bed. Game. Fake. But why me," she continued.

Among other things, Egli added: "I'm not playing with you. You're very good. I love you. I trusted you. I went all out for you."

In a conversation with Gerti and Gerta, Gjesti said: "I don't play with Egli. Maybe she has something more to do with me. I don't want to hurt her. I told her, I don't want to hurt her."

It remains to be seen how their relationship will go in the future. /Telegraph/

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