The murder of Liridona Ademaj, it is expected that the indictment will be filed against the three suspects

The murder of Liridona Ademaj, it is expected that the indictment will be filed against the three suspects

More than 1 year after the murder of Liridona Ademajt, the Basic Prosecutor's Office of Pristina is expected to file an indictment against the three suspects for this serious case.

The investigations for one of the most serious post-war criminal cases in our country, the Basic Prosecutor's Office of Prishtina has finalized.

More than 1 year since the murder of Liridona Ademaj, this institution is expected to indict the suspects involved in it.

Through an announcement, they announced that Chief Prosecutor Zejnullah Gashi will hold a press conference on Wednesday, without mentioning the indictment, but this was confirmed to the television by sources close to the process.

Specifically, they said that the indictment is already taking its final form before it is submitted to the court in the middle of the week.

The television has also contacted the family of Liridona Ademaj, but they have not agreed to speak further.

They claimed to have been in constant contact with the Prosecutor's Office and were aware of the process.

"We believe that justice will prevail and those who committed this act will be punished to the maximum extent. Only the maximum sentence softens our hearts even a little." have been declared by the Ademaj Family.

Liridona Ademaj was killed on November 29, 2023, while the suspects for planning and executing the serious crime are the victim's husband, Naim Murseli, as well as Granit Plava and Kushtrim Kokalla.

The murder case of the 39-year-old was initially investigated as a "robbery with murderous consequences", but intensive investigations resulted in the arrest of three people, with Murseli considered the mastermind behind the shocking crime.