The man who put a cage around his head to quit smoking: The story of the Turk who made a splash around the world

The man who put a cage around his head to quit smoking: The story of the Turk who made a splash around the world

Addiction of any kind is bad, and tobacco addiction is among the worst.

Quitting smoking is very difficult, it requires extraordinary willpower and dedication.

And despite considerable effort, only a small percentage of smokers successfully overcome their addiction.

About 11 years ago, news of a man trying to quit smoking spread across television and other media when he placed a cage around his face.

Turkish man named Ibrahim Yucel enclosed his head in a helmet-shaped metal ball to quit smoking, reports the Telegraph.

In 2013, newspapers reported that Ibrahim Yucel had been smoking for the past 26 years and despite numerous attempts to quit, he could not give up his habit of smoking two packs a day.

Every year, on his three children's birthdays and on their wedding anniversary, he would quit smoking, but he never went more than a few days without them.

Although images and videos of him with his head locked in a cage and his wife holding the key to the cage went viral, there is still no concrete evidence available as to whether he was able to quit smoking or not.

According to the World Health Organization, each year, more than 8 million people die from tobacco use.

Most deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries, which are often targets of tobacco industry interventions and intensive marketing.

Tobacco can also be deadly to non-smokers.

Exposure to secondhand smoke has also been implicated in adverse health outcomes, causing 1.2 million deaths per year. /Telegraph/

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