Gjesti appears alone in the yard of Big Brother VIP Albania's house, just before the show

Gjesti appears alone in the yard of Big Brother VIP Albania's house, just before the show

Today, Gjesti, one of the most energetic residents of Big Brother VIP Albania, was seen alone in the backyard.

This was a strange scene for this character who is usually known for his energetic outbursts and constant company with others.

Sitting in the yard, while music played in the background, he seemed lost in thought and far from his usual smiling and active image.

This moment has caught the attention of fans, raising questions about his sensitivity.

Undoubtedly, a special evening is planned for tonight, as it is a spectacle and many surprises and debates are expected that could tense the atmosphere.

What will happen after this surprising moment of the Gesture remains to be seen during the spectacle. /Telegraph/

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