Debate between Gjesti and Loredana over cigarettes at BBVA escalates to physical contact

Debate between Gjesti and Loredana over cigarettes at BBVA escalates to physical contact
Photo: Big Brother VIP Albania/YouTube

Big Brother VIP Albania 4 continues to offer different situations, which keep fans glued to the screens.

One of the most tense moments of this edition occurred between two residents, rapper Gjesti and model Loredana. Although this season has had many interesting events, this clash has particularly attracted the attention of the public.

The whole incident started with a debate that took place inside the house, where tensions between the two characters were evident.

According to the footage, the situation escalated when Loredana attempted to take the cigarettes from Gjesti's hands, an action that was not well received by the rapper. He immediately reacted by asking her to avoid his physical contact, telling her firmly: "Don't touch me with your hand, the last time you touch me with your hand."

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They then continued the argument in the yard, with Gjesti threatening Loredana that he would "slap her" if she repeated these actions.

Debates in the Big Brother VIP Albania house have always become part of the routine, but the latest case involves a moment with high potential for escalation, where the boundaries of physical contact seem to have been broken. /Telegraph/

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