"The confession room taught him what to do", Gresa hits out at BBVK production?

"The confession room taught him what to do", Gresa hits out at BBVK production?

Former Big Brother VIP Kosova resident Gresa Gashi, who failed to secure a place in the final, was invited to the Big Talk show, where she expressed her unfiltered thoughts on the events that took place in the house.

Gresa, who was invited to discuss her experience, caught everyone's attention with her strong statements.

Opinionists Edona and Santiana expressed regret that Gresa did not make it to the finals, describing her as a resident who deserved this opportunity.

Photo: Screenshot / YouTube

According to them, Gresa had all the qualities to go all the way to the end of the game.

Gresa, meanwhile, did not hesitate to express her thoughts on the finalists and the way events unfolded.

She slammed the production, pointing out that some of the other residents had been instructed to take certain actions from the confession room.

When the moderator asked who the strongest player was inside the house, Gresa immediately replied: "The strongest player is definitely Vullneti." She added that no one else could compare to her, as she had not seen some of the residents as strong players.

I don't see anyone else, because I can't see a resident who has been taught what to do by the confession room as a strong player. I can't see a player who just sits around in pajamas and drinks tea as a strong player.

While the show's moderator mentioned that the production could not have given instructions to the residents, Gresa did not hesitate to say that she had facts for this.

"I also have facts," she said, prompting more discussion about the possibility of game manipulation.

With these statements, Gresa showed that she was not afraid to express her strong opinions about the experience in Big Brother VIP Kosovo, openly challenging and analyzing the situations that occurred in the house. /Telegraph/

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