Blood feud returns in Dragoç, the family of the perpetrator of the murder remains isolated

Blood feud returns in Dragoç, the family of the perpetrator of the murder remains isolated

The show Fiks Fare brought irrefutable facts that the Mataj family has isolated the Hasaj tribe after the murder of their son.

Just 20 days ago, in the village of Dragoç in Shkodra, 33-year-old Ramazan Mataj was killed by Arjon Hasaj, a resident of the same village. The latter stated after his arrest by the police that he killed the 33-year-old after he had separated his sister from men twice, after she sent them intimate videos.

And while the two Hasaj brothers are in prison, their family is isolated. Fiksi brought the testimony of the author's father, Rustem Hasaj, who shows that his family is isolated and not only that, but a full 2 families of his tribe are all isolated.

"My uncle's son died 3 days ago, we asked the deceased's family for 3 days of leave, so that the tribe could do the burial, and they allowed us, but as soon as 3 days passed, everyone was locked inside," says Rustemi. He expresses concern for the author's 4 children, one of whom is 8 years old and is in second grade and not going to school. "We are afraid that the girl is not going to school," says Hasaj.

Meanwhile, the author's wife, Ersilda Hasaj, who is taking care of their 4 children alone, also has the same concern.

"I didn't know anything, my husband didn't show any concern, I'm not taking my daughter to school because I'm afraid," says the young woman.

The journalists from Fiksi did not stop at just one family, but also went to the Mataj family in the same village. Fatmir Mataj, the victim's father, admits that he does not allow the Hasaj tribe to leave the house.

"The Hasaj tribe shouldn't get upset so quickly because my son is dead and won't come back to me. Don't listen to what they say, they'll stay inside," says Fatmir Mataj.

The victim's father claims that his son is being portrayed in the media as an individual who was entirely to blame, while this is not the case.

"The boy went out to meet a girl who was texting him online, and he was killed, the girl also sent him voice messages and it was a female voice, where is this person who is not being arrested?" says Fatmir.

Asked by reporters about the 3-day permission he gave the Hasaj tribe to bury their relative, he said that the headman went to him and asked for permission, so he allowed it.

The journalists also met the headman, Caf Çela, who said that if the Mataj family wants to forgive the Hasaj tribe, they will forgive it, if not, they will not forgive it.

"I went to the victim's house and asked for 3 days of leave since someone in the Hasaj tribe had died and we were given permission, but only 3 days and they locked us inside again," says Çela.

For the village headman, the next step will be for the entire village to ask the Mataj family to forgive the Hasaj tribe, at least the tribe. Because they don't forgive the family.

Meanwhile, he admits that the police are also aware of the situation between the families. So, state institutions are aware and are not reacting to this warned self-justification.