Driloni is shocked, he inadvertently reveals that he received information from abroad through new residents

Driloni is shocked, he inadvertently reveals that he received information from abroad through new residents

Driloni shocked viewers and residents of Big Brother VIP Kosovo during today's show, admitting that he received information from outside the house, thus breaking one of the most basic rules of the game.

During the discussions, he said: “The first point is that many residents here have been harassing me about this issue; there has been a liking for Bay T.

"The second point is that people who came from abroad, like Fitimi, Laurenti, Edi and Anisa, have given me information from abroad."

Photo: Screenshot / YouTube

This statement has caused numerous reactions and great concern, as viewers and residents were shocked by the fact that one of the contestants admitted to having violated the rules of the game by obtaining outside information.

Viewers were outraged by the lack of immediate reactions to this violation and expressed their disappointment that no action was taken regarding this action.

This development has created a deep sense of disappointment and further increased tensions at home. /Telegraph/

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