Serbian gendarmerie surrenders, farmers allowed to protest in Novi Sad

Serbian gendarmerie surrenders, farmers allowed to protest in Novi Sad

What seemed like it would never happen was the withdrawal of the Serbian gendarmerie, which had blocked farmers on their way to support students in Novi Sad, Serbia.

The gendarmerie was withdrawn after a verbal clash and scuffle with farmers and students on the bridge near the town of Rumenka.

The farmers and students were warned several times that force would be used against them if they did not stop completely. However, the gendarmerie withdrew shortly after.

A large number of gendarmerie members were deployed against several dozen farmers and students, writes

Farmers headed to Novi Sad to support students on blockades as an act of discontent with the Serbian government, which followed the collapse of the reconstructed railway station canopy in Novi Sad in November last year, killing 15 people.

One of the reasons why farmers decided to support the students is that they were the target of attacks by individuals and it is suspected that the government itself is behind these attacks. Blockades and student protests have been ongoing for weeks.

Large protests were held across Serbia yesterday. According to some estimates, tens of thousands of people protested, while pro-government tabloids claim that several thousand people participated and that the protests were unsuccessful. /Telegraph/