Mehmet's letter to Enver: Ismail Kadare can recover!

Mehmet's letter to Enver: Ismail Kadare can recover!

After Enver Hoxha's criticism of Ismail Kadare and his poem "Pashallart e kuq", Mehmet Shehu, in a letter addressed to Hoxha, writes that the writer can recover. Parts of this letter, dated October 20, 1975, can be read below:

"...ideological, of Marxism-Leninism, of our party's line, of the class war and its laws, it does not recognize the practice of the gigantic and shameful class war that the party has done and is doing. I may even be wrong when I say that Ismail Kadareja can recover, but I still have my own conviction, because Ismail has sung to the Party, the National Liberation War, the people more than once, and has done great works in this direction. His poem "Why are these mountains thought of" is highly biased. 'The general of the dead army', 'The castle', 'The city of stone', are among the best novels, both in terms of content and artistically.

'The Winter of Great Solitude', despite its ideological gaps, is a great work that elevates the party's struggle very high and is the only work that properly portrays, on Marxist grounds, the leader of the Party and the people... And, as far as I know , Ismaili has reworked this novel to correct the mistakes made. He also talked to me about this and made self-criticism. He himself condemned the novel 'Dasma' as a failure, etc. From the origin, it is known that Ismail has nothing to do with the enemy. He probably wanted to put the fight against the group of conspirators and against bureaucratism into verse. But, in this effort, he failed.

I hope that if you talk to him, he will understand the grave mistakes. Regarding the confusion that some of the other best writers have in relation to the class struggle, the struggle against bureaucratism, etc., it suffices to mention two wrong works, in my opinion, by Dritëro Agolli: a) The novel 'Shëlqimi and the fall of Comrade Zylo', where bureaucratism is absolutized, where it turns out that our order is rotten with incorrigible bureaucrats like Zylua, etc.; b) The drama 'The Second Face', in the beginning it was a drama that highlighted the situation of our order because the bureaucrats ruled here. Then after some criticism this drama has been given for years. But the novel about the bureaucrat Zylo is in circulation. And yet, later on, as it should be, Dritëroi wrote the wonderful poem 'Mother Albania'.

You yourself know better that working with writers is delicate, they need to be constantly educated. And, only when they go completely in the opposite direction, someone, such as Fadil Paçrami, should be turned off and sentenced. I think that Ismail has not gone to that level. We must help these people by pointing out their mistakes and flaws, educate them and try to save them to the end. Then they crossed the barricade for them, they cut their necks. I think so. But I could be wrong in my opinion. However, I agree with what you decide." /Prepared by: Dashnor Kaloçi/