Marko Boçari and Black Wool: Who is the hero?

Marko Boçari and Black Wool: Who is the hero?
Marko Boçari and Black Wool

From: Daut Dauti

The following video is titled "The Albanian who killed Marko Boçari". We are talking about Black Wool. Although the title warns that it is about the Black Fur, only two sentences are given for it in the whole show. The whole show talks about Marko Boçari, whom he refers to with the epithet hero. But why is Marko Boçari a hero and not Lleshi i Black?

In most of the literature, Boçari is described as such, while Black Wool is ignored or spoken of as a guilty murderer. It should be the opposite. Boçari fought for the Greek cause, while Lleshi i Black fought against the formation of the Greek state.

Furthermore, this show describes Boçari's murder as "murder of infidelity". Why infidelity murder when Boçari was the attacker of the camp of the Albanian forces under the leadership of Mustafa Pasha Bushati? In this case, the Mirditas defended themselves and were not the attackers. In fact, they, like the other Albanian fighters, were surprised in the chaos of that night when they heard the Sulio attackers speaking Albanian among themselves. Therefore, they were confused for a while, they did not know how to act and they asked them: "You are Albanians, right? Why are you attacking us then"?

The Albanians did not care that the Albanians fight on the side of the Greeks. But, in reality, the war for the independence of Greece was the Albanian Civil War. /Telegraph/

"Albanian Civil War"
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