Lutfiu summoned by the Prosecutor's Office in Serbia for the August protest in Bujanovac

Lutfiu summoned by the Prosecutor's Office in Serbia for the August protest in Bujanovac

The former chairman of the Albanian National Council in the Presevo Valley, Nevzad Lutfiu, has announced that he has received an invitation from the State Prosecutor's Office in Serbia to place billboards for the protest organized in Bujanovac in August last year.

In a Facebook post, Nevzad Lutfiu announced that on December 25th he was invited to appear at the police station in Bujanovac, and that there he learned about the initiation of procedures against him on the pretext that he did not have permission to organize the protest.

Lutfiu said that he refused to respond to the police station due to non-compliance with the summons procedure and that he has now been directly invited by the Prosecutor's Office to appear for an interview on February 14.

"Our protest has been scrutinized, while the hooligans' calls to liquidate us have not impressed the justice system. This persecution does not demotivate me at all, on the contrary, it motivates me to continue the path of resistance and organization," he wrote.

Albanians in the Presheva Valley have held several protests, demanding not to be discriminated against by the Serbian authorities.