Londoners take off their pants, travel by train in just their underwear

Londoners take off their pants, travel by train in just their underwear

Hundreds of Londoners made their way onto the Tube in their underwear, trying to pretend nothing out of the ordinary was going on.

This was the official pantsless ride, an annual event, without any deep meaning or grand motive.

"There's so much bad stuff, so much not fun," said group leader Dave Selkirk, a 40-year-old personal trainer.

"It's good to do something just for the sake of it," Selkirk added.

After gathering at the entrance to Chinatown, dozens more joined the group at Piccadilly Circus tube station in central London, where they boarded their first train. AP, the Telegraph reports.

While the tourists looked confused as they saw them only in their underwear.

Otherwise, this type of trip was made for the first time in New York in 2002, the idea of ​​comedian Charlie Todd.

His idea was this: Wouldn't it be funny if someone got on a train in the middle of winter wearing a hat, gloves, scarf – everything but pants?

It is reported that the idea and London made the first trip without pants in 2009. /Telegraph/